Thursday 17 March 2022

So a bloody district court in America has jurisdiction over the entire state of Pakistan....? 🙄🤬 ان کے تو دانت توڑ دینے چاہییں۔۔ریکوڈک کا سونا پاکستان کا ہے۔۔۔کسی کے باپ کو بھی ہم کچھ نہیں دیں تو کوئی ہمارا کچھ نہیں بگاڑ سکتا۔۔ صرف حکمران ہمت کریں۔



India provoked Pakistan by launching a nuclear capable missile towards a strategic air base.... But Imran khan government went totally silent. One reason is that Imran is himself fighting for political survival... Government or no government, Pakistan army must respond here.



Because I am the conspiracy theorist who's always proved right in the end......😁


Wheather it is Middle East or Ukraine, never ever believe what you see on the mainstream media unless independence analyst like us verify it for you... It is getting more and more difficult to find out the truth from massive disinformation and propaganda at industrial scale...





Read the date and source of this article..US department of state library, 1948. Confirming that quarter of a million Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir were butchered by Indian government and Hindu zionists. Today once again, 200 million Indian Muslims face a similar extermination.



Make no mistake about this... The rascals who plan to feed you these bugs and insects will never be eating them themselves..... They will have steaks and barbecues while you will be fed with bugs and insects... They are bringing a global famine, destroying agriculture and cattle.





Reportedly, very clear footage shows the destruction of two Su-25s of Ukraine at low altitude - shot down while trying to attack Russian troops in the Kherson region A pilot can be seen ejecting from the second plane... Wars are always brutal... #RussianUkrainianWar





Western civilization is the most savage in its true nature. “It’s one thing for sarin gas to be used on people in far away Syria who are Muslim and who are of a different culture but what is Europe going to do when it’s used on European soil on Europeans?” #RussianUkrainianWar