Thursday 12 August 2021

Instead of holding their ground and defending the cities, Afghan army has decided to abandon all their garrisons and entire brigades are retreating while the troops of the Islamic Emirate continue to advance... Heavily armed but poorly led & demoralised ANA stand no chance.




إن #طالبان الأفغانية وإمارتهم رجال أحرار ومستقلون تماما. فهم لا يخضعون لسيطرة نظام روتشيلد المصرفي، ولا يتبعون النماذج الاقتصادية والسياسية الرأسمالية أو الشيوعية. ولكونهم متواضعين، فإن هؤلاء الرجال الأحرار هم أكبر تهديد للصهيونية. #أفغانستان #الولايات_المتحدة #إسرائيل #الإمارات



Lest the Americans forget.... Evacuate from Kabul while you still can....! Take this as a courtesy advice ...! #Afghanistan #USA #USEmbassyKabul



Afghan Taliban & their Emirate are fiercely independent & free men. They are not controlled by rothschilds banking system and do not follow the capitalist or communist economic and political models. In their humble capacity, these free men are the greatest threat to Zionist.





One of the grand strategic objectives of the US/Zionist foreign policy is to stop the rise of political Islam.... especially Sunni political Islam. This is the reason why Afghan Taliban are a nightmare & taken as a threat by the global zionist new world order...







Rothschilds are not angels nor have divine powers to know the future..... They are surely manipulators and instigators at a grand scale.... When they designed their New world order and the global reset, it was part of the plan to burn down global forests in second half of 2021...



After sudden death,heart attacks,heart inflammation,menstrual disorder, now Skin,kidney & renal issues....its BEGINING OF THE END GAME...




India's latest and most sophisticated spy satellite is lost in space today.... This is one of the most severe setbacks for Indian armed forces and their war plans against Pakistan.... They would be scrambling for plan B.



#PTM is an urban insurgency against Pakistan.... Do not be fooled by their political facade..... This is a movement to balkanize Pakistan just as TTP or BLA. It was a catastrophic blunder of Imran khan to bring them into the parliament... 😠 Now deal with them.. #PTMExposed