Sunday 20 September 2020

I will not take this gathering of swines so lightly.... Political anarchy, sectarian violence, religious and secular insurgencies, Karachi.... And Indian threat... The timings are disturbing..... Almost all these political parties are compromised by hostile secret services....



I had always said that the real cases against Nawaz and Zardari were treason, murders and criminal, not just corruption.! From memo gate to Dawnleaks.... To creating a revolt within the Army.... To giving out National secrets to the enemy.... From uzair baloch to model town.....



Yes Imran government and the army failed to nail these the country, the nation and the armed forces will bleed.... It's a collective failure of the state and its organs that's such swines in political parties are still allowed to subvert the country.. Sad!



اگر یہ سانپ آج پھنکار رہے ہیں تو سارا قصور عمران حکومت کا ہے۔۔ دو سال کے عرصے میں ایک خنزیر کو بھی سولی نہیں چڑھایا نہ مال نکلوایا بلکہ سب آزاد گھوم رہے۔۔ پھر یہ تو ہوگا۔۔ اب یہ سارے دشمن مل کر کر پاک فوج اور پاکستان پر حملہ آور ہوئے ہیں۔۔ اب بھگتے عمران حکومت۔۔



"Igniting a sectarian war within the Muslim world is the best option we have" CIA analyst and operator gives out the secret.... They have been doing it all along by supporting both Saudi Arabia and Iran.... Directly and indirectly... Once again this card is being deployed..



That's why they created this pandemic and need it to continue..... Follow the money trail..... Not just that it is good business investment it also gives them the new World order.... Everything else they tell you is just bullcrap....!