Saturday 22 August 2020

Told you this on day 1. Now they confirm it and are baffled...Our living style, halal food and cleaning habits in Islam creates a very strong immune system.... Now they want to destroy our natural immune system through vaccines

Very interesting indeed.... This late Turkish seer apparently said many years ago what is written in the translation.... Note his reference to 2020 US elections and rise of China with the help of Zionist powers.... I only saw this today....though have been saying the same.



You might think I'm crazy but all the indications are that within three months after the US elections, US is heading down the path of of civil disobedience, economic collapse and even civil war..... Leading up to to a dictatorship or Martial law.. Explosive elections coming..



Now Saudis don't have cash to buy from USA... And now USA is also going into a tailspin...and will not be able to protect Saudi Arabia.... And the dollar is going to crash too. And oil revenues are going to disappear. Uncharted Territory! Too many wildcards and variables...



Do I need to comment? Enter last 1400 years whenever the Christian world persecuted the Jews, they found protection under the Muslim governments... Always treated with dignity & respect, never persecuted... This is how they say thanks... 🤬 😡






اس پورے تھریڈ کو پڑھیے۔۔۔ کس طرح ہماری درسی کتب میں نظریاتی تخریب کاری کی جا رہی ہے۔۔۔ اور جس افسر نے اس نظریاتی تخریب کاری کی نشاندہی کی اس کو فوری طور پر عہدے سے ہٹا دیا گیا۔۔۔ کیا اس کا مطلب یہ سمجھا جائے کہ عمران/بزدار حکومت اس تخریب کاری کی حمایت کر رہی ہے؟