Friday 21 May 2021

Palestinians are celebrating like it is Eid day.... They feel empowered, dignified and Destroyed the myth of Zionists..they won! Last rocket was fired by Hamas.. There is total silence in Israel... Mood is demoralized, defeated... Netanyahu gone insane already... 😁 👊



watch this first video coming out of Palestine in 1896... understand how genocidal and bloodthirsty colonial occupation has been since the Balfour declaration by the British Empire gifting Palestine to zionists.. Palestine can only have peace under Muslim rule..


في هذه السنوات الـ ٦٧٣ من الحكم الإسلامي، كان هناك سلام كامل في #فلسطين ، وتعايش المسلمون واليهود والمسيحيون في وئام روحي كامل لم تكن هناك حادثة واحدة لاضطهاد المسيحيين أو اليهود. ولكن منذ أن فقد المسلمون فلسطين فإنها تشهد سوى الإبادة الجماعية وسفك الدماء والحروب. #فلسطين_تنتصر



In these 673 years of Muslim rule, there was complete peace in Palestine....Muslims, Jews and Christians coexisted in complete spiritual harmony.... Not a single incident of persecution of Jews Christians. Since Muslims lost Palestine it has only seen genocide bloodshed and wars.