Monday, 10 February 2014

Now if this Ummah is sold to the Khawarij or auctioned by the Mushriks or occupaied by the Yahood and Nasara then this nation has no right to complain.

To all those who voted for the golden calf of democracy, the god of modern kufr, we wish they had taken the advice from Baba Iqbal and searched for a true Murshid/Mujahid/Faqeer/Dervesh to purify their souls for them to see the unseen. In this information age, we have produced the most stupid generation, astaghfurullah !

Now if this Ummah is sold to the Khawarij or auctioned by the Mushriks or occupaied by the Yahood and Nasara then this nation has no right to complain. When nations betray their Lord, then the Dajjal grabs them by the neck!

Ya Allah Karam... Send us a Salahuddin !!

Same Mullah Burqa is a master of bluff and lies...

Same Mullah Burqa is a master of bluff and lies. We have seen him in Lal masjid drama where his entire reliance was on deceiving the nation and the army with similar non-sence. He should be hanged not listened to. It is such a shame that this scumbag is back negotiating through his same sinister tools.

TTP is supposed to attack the State security forces, air bases, ISI and bog down Pak army in urban war.

Blowing up gas lines, power structures and Train tracks is the duty given to BLA by the Indians/Americans. TTP is supposed to attack the State security forces, air bases, ISI and bog down Pak army in urban war. MQM/ANP would create chaos in Karachi and political leaders and judiciary would create economic collapse, auctioning of Pakistan's State assets under privatization and give governmental support to CIA/RAW. Media would play its role in spreading lies, disinformation and deceptions.

Welcome to the 5thGW !! 2014 is the decisive year now...

A harsh reminder of how our brothers are fighting and giving casualties against these Khawarij.

A harsh reminder of how our brothers are fighting and giving casualties against these Khawarij. If these brave men were not dying for the nation today, the fights would be in urban cities within our homes.
Our love and salam to Pak army

Mother of Khawarijs Molvi Fazlulla Interview, and his Teacher against dogs of hell