Thursday 19 January 2023

So finally he is repeating my words on the elections under the present system... But he is deadly wrong on EVMs. The Brazilian elections were also conducted on the EVMs and the entire election was stolen and now Brazil is on the brink of a civil War. It's the corrupt system!





In all the political chaos of Pakistan people tend to forget that the entire leadership was planted by the world economic forum...their agenda coordinators.... The change in government is only a local problem in Pakistan, not for their international handlers.







Once again the media pornography to spread panic and fear begins....WEF again leading the global destruction.. Exactly the way they did with COVID, this time to force you under climate lockdowns, taking away all private transportation & limiting your travels. Here we go!





End of fossile fuel means end of human civilization as we know it. These are the sugar coated words they use for a total decimation of present civilization. This group of private psychopaths are trying to become god ..From changing the DNA of humans to depopulating the planet.





These devils always seem to know which crisis is coming next..... To that extent that they publish it on the cover of Economist every year...and even Simpsons mention it. So now, the next big global chaos will be a cyber attack to shut down internet & global energy/transport.





This war is going to last a very very long time. In fact it is going to escalate into Europe and into a nuclear holocaust & also create global famine & refugees. The billions of dollars of weapons stolen from the ukrainians will be siphoned to every terrorist group in the world.





خوارج جہنم کے کتوں کے خلاف پہلی باقاعدہ جنگی مہم خلیفہ راشد سیدنا علی نے کی تھی۔بعد میں سیدنا علی کو شہید بھی ایک خارجی نے کیا تھا۔ سیدی رسول اللہ نے فرمایا تھا کہ یہ خوارج جہنم کے کتے قیامت تک نکلتے رہیں گے۔ آج پاک فوج وہ جنتی فوج ہے جو صحابہ کی سنت پر ان کتوں کو ختم کر رہی ہے۔





آپ نے پورے سندھ کے بلدیاتی انتخابات میں ہونے والی طوفان بدتمیزی اور شرمناک دھندلی کو بہت تسلی سے دیکھ لیا۔۔۔ انہوں نے صورتحال کو اس قدر خطرناک بنا دیا ہے کہ کراچی کسی بھی لمحے آگ میں بھڑک سکتا ہے۔۔ خود سوچیں، کیا یہ نظام اور الیکشن کمیشن پورے ملک میں انتخابات کروا سکتے ہیں؟