Friday 22 July 2022

اپنے غصے میں اتنے باولے مت ہو جاؤ کہ پاکستان کے بدترین دشمنوں کو ہیرو بنانے لگو۔۔ بھارتی مشرکوں کے ساتھ مل کر پانچ لاکھ پاکستانیوں کو ذبح کرنے والا حرامخور مجیب الرحمن غدار وطن تھا۔۔ مشرقی پاکستان توڑنے کی سازش الیکشن سے بہت پہلے ہو چکی تھی۔۔ پڑھو ذرا!



نہیں شیخ مجیب کے ساتھ یہ نہیں ہوا تھا۔ پورے مشرقی پاکستان میں شیخ مجیب نے مکتی باہنی کے مسلح دہشتگردوں کے ذریعے زبردستی سیٹیں حاصل کی تھیں۔ اپنی مخالفت میں کسی کو کھڑا ہونے ہی نہیں دیا گیا تھا۔ جب آپ غداروں اور دہشت گردوں کے ساتھ الیکشن میں جائیں گے تو یہی ہوگا۔ فضول بات نہ کریں۔




Another country going up in flames...... This time it is Panama ....The Sri lankan model working all across the globe...... And every time you will find w e f economic and political Hitmen in the govt orchestrating the collapse..... Before you "build back better" you destroy!!





This is precisely the reason I do not support this parliamentary democracy and political parties in Pakistan...The entire system is irrevocably corrupt and incorrigible.. Countries like this either suffer a bloody Revolution from within or an invasion from the outside or both.



Tucker just went SCORCHED earth on vaccine harm and VAIDS. If you didn't fall for the greatest personal psyop in history, pat yourself on the back..... And if you did, kick yourself hard....





Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most dangerous man in the world at the moment, for the Globalists.. (1) because he is telling some basic truths about the global elite and (2) he has the spine and the capacity do do something about it.




This seems to be the new pattern for the new world order.... Create the chaos, destroy the society, bring down the government and impose martial law and implement drconian facist measures to force the people into obedience..... Same pattern globally....



Alex Jones is certainly more reliable and sensible than BBC Fox CNN guardian and Reuters..... Anyone trusting the above media is an insane jackass moron..... The "conspiracy theorists" are the only one right in these times....




There must be chaos, wars and famine in order for people to accept these agendas.. Your never going back to the pre covid world....Entire global civilization is being destroyed, burnt & disfigured for them to build it again on their NWO agenda. They call it the global reset.