Saturday 15 May 2021

Palestine is NOT a dispute between Arabs and Jews. Palestine is a dispute between Muslims and Jews. Understand this core difference. Forced occupation of Muslim lands is one reason only...But the city of Jerusalem & the masjid #AlAqsaUnderAttack is the heart of it.



Try negotiating peace or two state solution with this mindset. There can only be peace in Palestine when the occupation is annihilated in its totality....There can never be co-existence... There will be wars, ceasefire, more wars... until this is achieved. #AlAqsaUnderAtrack


Celebrating and writing messages of death and destruction on the artillery shells before dispatching them towards Gaza to kill the women and children... We are dealing with mentally retarded meniacs here....😡 #AlAqsaUnderAtrack #GazaUnderAttack


Ashdod is burning....! Multiple rockets landed in the City..





Hamas fights back...👊 Power knocked out in parts of Ashdod now following barrage of rockets fired from Gaza, port and electricity lines damaged. Multiple rockets made landfall in the City... As Israeli air defence system collapses... #AlAqsaUnderAttack #GazzaUnderAttack





Why has IDF not launched their ground troops into #Gaza yet? This is the reason.... #Hamas Special Forces units... Who are waiting to draw IDF into urban war.... Now also armed with ATGMs and SAMs, these forces have created a deterrance for Israeli tanks and helicopters.





The armed resistance against the Jewish occupation is spreading to other parts of Palestine... Al Aqsa Brigades warn Israeli forces to stay away from Nablus, a city in the northern West Bank... #AlAqsaUnderAttack #Gaza_Under_Attack





#فلسطين ليست نزاعا بين العرب واليهود. فلسطين نزاع بين المسلمين واليهود. افهم هذا الاختلاف الأساسي. الاحتلال القسري لأراضي المسلمين هو سبب واحد فقط، لكن #القدس و#المسجد_الأقصى هو قلب هذا النزاع. #غزة_تحت_القصف #GazaUnderAttack



How would Israel make sure that Pakistan remains engaged on the eastern theatre & not pose a threat to the Jewish entity? This is where the interests of the zionists in Israel and India converge..Pakistan is the common threat for their expansionist designs. #Gaza_Under_Attack



This is your one night kill... You are the most ungrateful people in history... Traitors to God, traitors to your Prophet, traitors to those who treat you well... You were warned in your books not to create a country and gather at one place.... Now you will be taught a lesson...



The real damage to the Jewish entity is not from the rockets itself... It is psychological and political earthquake that has rocked the very foundation of the Govt & society. The myth of a powerful Israel has shattered. The confidence on the Israeli government have evaporated.





الضرر الحقيقي للكيان اليهودي ليس من الصواريخ نفسها، ولكنه زلزال نفسي وسياسي هز أساس الحكومة والمجتمع. لقد تحطمت أسطورة #إسرائيل القوية. تبخرت الثقة في الحكومة الإسرائيلية. #غزة_العزة #غزة_تحت_القصف #GazaUnderAttack



لماذا لم يبدأ الجيش الإسرائيلي حملته البرية في #غزة_العزة حتى الآن؟ إن وحدات قوات #حماس الخاصة والذين ينتظرون جر الجيش الإسرائيلي إلى حرب المدن هم الآن مسلحون أيضا بالصواريخ الموجهة المضادة للدبابات وصواريخ سام، خلقت هذه القوات ردعا للدبابات والمروحيات الإسرائيلية.




الاحتفال وكتابة رسائل الموت والدمار على قذائف المدفعية قبل توجيهها باتجاه #غزة_العزة لقتل النساء والأطفال نحن هنا نتعامل مع مرضى متخلفين عقليا 😡 #غزة_تحت_القصف #AqsaUnderAtrack #GazaUnderAttack





It does not matter how many rockets go through the Iron Dome... Just the sound of the sirens and the panic it creates is nerve wrecking for the citizens of the Jewish entity.... Enough to erode the confidence in the government, state and their Zionist ideology... #GazaUnderFire




Israeli beach goers flee as a barrage of retaliatory rockets launched from Gaza fly towards Israel today following the bombardment by IDF throughout the night.. Try living your life like this.... This is going to be the new normal now for Jews in Israel.... #Gaza_Under_Attack



لا يهم عدد الصواريخ التي تمر عبر القبة الحديدية مجرد صوت صفارات الإنذار والذعر الذي تسببه يدمر أعصاب مواطني الكيان اليهودي ويكفي لتقويض الثقة في الحكومة والدولة وفكرهم الصهيوني #فلسطين_تنتصر #فلسطين #غزة_العزة #غزة_تحت_القصف #GazaUnderAttack