Wednesday 8 June 2022

Complete bullshit and false flag preparations... India need a high profile excuse to blame Pakistan and then create a justification for invasion..... Indian Air force attack aircrafts are already on the forward bases... Weapons loaded. Now they need a reason...



This disgusting War on humanity is so balatant that they cannot hide it anymore... They are deliberately destroying the global food supply....Killing millions of farm animals in the name of carbon emissions.... Burning down food processing plants....Killing millions of poultry..



There is absolutely no doubt that the Americans & Israelis are encouraging the Indians to capture parts of Pakistan...especially GB & Kashmir. There are intelligence reports that Indian strike aircrafts have been placed on the forward air bases.. An exercise or a real invasion?



جب ہم آپ کو بتا رہے تھے کہ یہ زہریلے ٹیکے چند سالوں کے اندر انسانیت کو ہلاک کرنا شروع کردیں گے تو آپ ہمارا مذاق اڑاتے تھے۔۔۔ اب پوری دنیا میں ہزاروں لاکھوں لوگ اچانک موت کے گھاٹ اتر رہے ہیں مگر یہ آپ کو کبھی بھی نہیں بتائیں گے کہ یہ زہریلا ٹیکوں کی وجہ سے ہو رہا ہے۔۔ ۔۔


There is one more term they used earlier - SIDS. Sudden infant death syndrome. Many children started to die after vaccination... Now they are using a new term - SADS. Genocide through big pharmaceuticals..... Controlled by world economic forum's global reset agenda...



Christine Anderson dropping truth bombs all over the EU Parliament again... Fascism and naziizm is coming to Americas and Europe... And to the rest of the world wherever they can.... If they cannot control that region, they will destroy it in wars and famine... It's upon u all!





"Kaaba in Makkah was a Hindu temple. Muslims destroyed it & built their own..... If you dig up every mosque in India, you will find a Hindu temple underneath" The blasphemous venom is now triggering Muslim genocide & destruction of Islamic civilization in Hindu RSS india.





It is so easy to tell who is a slave and who isn't.. Always remember this life hack.... Your government and media lie to you. Never believe their narrative that is being deployed through brute force. They will keep coming back with more lies.... You have to keep pushing back...



It's trending in Australia... Now when the vaccine has fully kicked in, it's impact is being noticed. Now the idiots are scared....but it's too late.