Saturday 4 April 2020

He is the most honest man in United States....saying it with courage, honesty and sincerity. You have to hear him.! You cannot blame him for being a zealot, racist or anti Semitic... because he is one of them....a Rabbi and he knows the dirty seccrets.

This incredible experiment is will explain to you how Waves & Radiations affect human body. We humans consist of water, chemicals, cells, atoms...which all vibrate & even change shapes when under the influence of Waves or Radiations or Frequencies. Watch how water behaves!

Henry Kissinger...he is the devil who actually orchestrated this global reset and even told decades ago that they plan to reduce global population through food genocide and pendamics.... Most nations do not have the capacity to even begin to understand this paradigm shift. 😐

20,000 + suspected cases but life in Istanbul and Turkey goes on.. much better than total lockdown... Turks as usual are charting their own brave course.... precautions with social and economic survival.... A sensible nation with mature leadership... 🇹🇷🇹🇷 #Turkey

Işte yaşadığınız bu dünya. Hemen hemen her devlet, değişen derecelerde ciddiyetle, bu profile uyuyor ... bazıları sadece şeytani, diğerleri sadece yalancı. Bunlar Milyonlarca beyinsiz kalabalığından değil, görme vizyonuna ve konuşma cesaretine sahip BİR adamdan korkuyorlar!

They have included all those ordinary flu deaths into Corona too....the grand deception is taking place... Every year, thousands in EU & US die from flu too. Since no autopsies being done to seperate the two, it plays well into their lies...

اللہ کے فضل سے بہت پہلے آپکو ہم نے بتا دیا تھا جو اب سارے ڈاکٹر بھی تسلیم کر رہے ہیں۔ بحیثیت ایک قوم، ڈھیٹ ہونے کے کچھ فایدے بھی ہیں۔۔ 😀 ہمیں اس طرح لاک ڈاؤن اور کرفیو کی ضرورت نہیں ھے‌ ۔۔ بلاوجہ خوف میں آ کر معاشی خودکشی کر رہے ہیں۔

The entire Pandamic crisis has 3 components... First Vaccines to increase metal levels in body. Then bombarding the body with high energy radiation's to destroy the immune system. Then launch the virus to create the Pandamic. Check the date of 5G launch in Wuhan... Coincident?