Friday 28 October 2022

What the people of Pakistan are not realising is that hindutv RSS zionists are sensing a historical opportunity for a total genocide of Muslims inside India & destruction of Pakistan. The political chaos in Pakistan will ultimately lead to unleashing of a biblical holocaust...


پاکستانی کتوں کی طرح آپس میں لڑ رہے ہیں جبکہ ہمارا بدترین مشرک دشمن ایک جانب بھارت کے اندر مسلمانوں کا قتل عام شروع کرنے لگا ہے اور دوسری جانب پاکستان پر حملہ کر کے گلگت بلتستان سمیت بڑے بڑے علاقوں پر قبضہ کرنا چاہتا ہے۔۔ بہت سخت سزا لگنے والی ہے پاکستانیوں کو۔۔ استغفراللہ!





Don't you see a pattern here? I have just given 3 examples but same is happening at dozens of places all across the world at the same time...... It does not matter what is the reason.... The net end result and the agenda of WEF is the same..... Destroy the state and the society.


BrassTacks weekly Global Threat Matrix Review.... This will tell you the direction this world is being pushed into.... Mainstream media will never tell you this. They are paid to confused you, deceive you and brainwash you....

The revolt in Iran continues to burn the society in multiple cities.... In many places government buildings & banks have fallen to the protesters..... The regions of Kurdistan & Iranian Balochistan are particularly violent..... Protests certainly have an organic component!






The same textbook of CIA and Mossad which is being implemented in Iran right now is also being repeated in Pakistan..... Using the corrupt and treacherous elements within the system, exploiting the organic anger & planting the agents of anarchy....& You get a meltdown of State...





And United States is being destroyed by Biden, the senile zombie of the Globalists... With only ~20 days of US supply remaining, Diesel, along with heating oil, aviation fuel and kerosene, headed towards record prices... Imagine the earthquake!



Rishi Sunak- I'm a Coke addict ۔۔ UK is in safe hands.....😁 You will see a common pattern all across the globe...... Addicts, perverts, idiots, facists, radicals, anarchists are now being brought into power in every country to implement the WEF agenda of global collapse....





You know why.....but the doctors are not allowed to say it......the wave has started....☹️