Saturday 21 January 2023

The collapse of Europe... Just another day in France! The entire European society is is worse than Stalin's dictatorship...and getting worse..





“I saw a pregnant woman being raped while giving birth. Wombs were cut down with swords & babies were cut into two pieces”, says Gujarat Riots survivor - 🇮🇳 BBC has released a documentary on Narendra modi's role in Gujarat riots. Now Indian government is in damage control mode.





NATO wants to send more tanks ? Russia is achieving demilitarisation of NATO 😁 NATO is having problems in assembling 200 tanks to be sent to Ukraine.... But Russia has far more tanks than United States and NATO combined. Dragging the war will destroy EU instead.


Holding daggers in their hands, Hindus take solemn pledge to slaughter every Muslim in India.... This is stuff of the nightmares and bone chilling reality of India today... Millions of daggers and swords are being distributed amongst RSS members for the planned Muslim genocide.





VAX SUICIDE ..🙄🤦 Now this is rubbing it too deep... Death by the COVID vaccine has been judged as a suicide by a court... Now what? You were on candid camera all the time folks..... Completely taken for a ride by the psychopaths. Now you should rise for accountability...





These brave hearts are the guardian angels of #AlAqsa آج پوری دنیا میں سب سے بہتر مسلمان یہ ہیں جو مسجد اقصیٰ کے محافظ ہیں۔۔ ایک بے حس اور بے غیرت مسلم قیادت کی جانب سے پوری امت کا کفارہ ادا کرتے ہوئے۔۔۔

Pakistanis will be foolish to take this threat lightly. Like Russians before their invasion of Ukraine, Indian Army is in a perpetual war preparations mode for the last 2 years planning for a 1500 km front invasion. They are developing their war doctrines observing Ukraine war..




Even the sensible Indians know this...I fear that the worst is unstoppable now... Paramilitary fascist group RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's "dangerous rhetoric could manifest itself in ugly violence that could compromise India's internal security."

Remember this Iraq war criminal? Tony Blair calls for "digital infrastructures" to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not for the "vaccines that will come down the line" at Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.. Who has given them the right to run the world?