Thursday 13 October 2022

Make a guess... what is he doing? This is way beyond madness at any scale... In China they are testing shoes in a sports shop for COVID.....🙄😱🤦 They are testing cold drinks, vegetables, fish and meat and throwing them away if the fake PCR tests positive....







They are throwing away all these vegetables in China because they have been tested positive for COVID...😱🤦 The dystopian total control dictatorship which they plan to bring to Europe is running its final real life social experiment trials for mass population control in China..





ہماری چھوٹی سی ٹیم پاکستان میں وہ واحد جماعت ہے جو آپ کو ہر خطرے سے بروقت آگاہ کرتی ہے۔۔ نہ ہم آپ سے کوئی عہدہ مانگتے ہیں نہ شہرت نہ دولت۔ نہ ہم نے کبھی پاکستان کو نقصان پہنچایا نہ کسی کا مال کھایا۔۔بلکہ پاکستان کا ہر دشمن ہم سے خوف بھی کھاتا ہے اور نفرت بھی کرتا ہے۔ الحمداللہ


The Ukrainian comedian is sending love letters to France for more weapons 😁 This Joker and his inner mafia is making billions of dollars milking EU & US, while his entire nation is destroyed with over 10 million displaced & dispersed all over Europe & literally on the streets!





This is a serious red flag for Pakistan....🚩 Any invasion is always covered behind the façade of a live exercise... Pakistan is facing its own political and economic chaos and pose absolutely no military threat to India, but the hindutva Zionists see an opportunity here!



Coming near your homes too very soon... CHINA, Huizhou City - After work, tens of thousands of workers running for daily routine PCR test , to prove they are COVID negative to keep their QR code green to keep their jobs... Soon, they will introduce Climate Codes too.





“Never forgive, never forget, never again” We were right all along and we did try to warn you..... Now tell me how does it feel to be so stupid dumb jackass? I bet you are afraid now.... #Russia #PfizerLiedPeopleDied





This is a new dimension to the 21st century warfare.... Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" sending it's regards to Nazis... Cheap to produce, stealth, lethal, smart & almost unstoppable....these "suicide" drones will be the decidesive game changer in any battlefield from now on..





"Their god is Satan. Satanists are fighting against us. They go to LGBT parades. So that our children become LGBT followers. They have gey parades...." A Chechen commander of the Russian armed forces giving a rather interesting motivational speech to the troops before battle...





Globalists are really going overboard to trigger a nuclear disaster if not a nuclear war...! A Chernobyl type melt down of a nuclear reactor is as bad as a tactical nuclear weapon exploding.... Those who have started this war always intended to make it radioactive... #Russia



You can visibly see the panic setting in Europe. Nervously, the Govts are bracing for civil unrest & urban chaos.. German government calls on citizens to save energy so the country can get through the winter. "Winter is coming. Let's stick together."


Every European country is in a melt down at various levels.. Though it is a global phenomena now but the economic collapse of the dominant civilization will impact the planet severely. Here angry energy workers in Genoa block roads and motorway to protest the 2000 layoffs..





What you are witnessing right in front of your eyes is a historical transformation of the Western civilization & it's journey towards its own destruction. The transformation you witnessed in WW1 & 2 would appear as a walk in the park compared to the tectonic shift this time..



Free liberal democracy as a political concept is now dead in the Western civilization, replaced with dystopian draconian dictatorships controlled by the globalist elite, unelected psychopaths of WEF, hell bent on shaping the planet in their own vision of New world order.



Google it " food genocide plan by Henry Kissinger".. Once you take control of food and fuel, you basically control the jagular of humanity. At this time they are weaponising both food and fuel to depopulate the planet, to destroy the countries & to force mass human migrations.




Nuclear wars at multiple locations on the planet are a critical requirement for agenda 2030.. They say that a limited nuclear war is actually good for climate change....🙄🤦... Yes I am not kidding! Doing a nuclear exercise only 600 km away from Russian border is a provocation!



Anyone who has studied the agenda 2030 of the UN/WEF knew that this is the path they will take once they started the destruction of global economy through forced lockdowns in 2020. Disrupting the supply chains of all critical commodities to create a global famine & meltdown...



اگر یہ اس وقت سچ بول رہا تھا تو آج کیوں جھوٹ بول رہا ہے؟ اور اگر آج سچ بول رہا ہے تو اس وقت کیوں جھوٹ بول رہا تھا؟ یہ کٹھ پتلی تھا یا سارے فیصلے خود کرتا تھا؟ دماغ کی لسی بنا دیی اس نے۔۔ زرداری ہو نواز شریف یا عمران۔۔۔۔ شرم حیا اور غیرت کسی کے پلے نہیں۔۔ سب تھوک کر چاٹنے والے۔۔



میں پاکستان کی تمام سیاسی جماعتوں کے کے جاھل اور بیوقوف پٹواریوں جیالوں اور یوتھیوں سے کہوں گا کہ مجھے ان فالو کر دیں۔۔ نا ہمارا تجزیہ آپ لوگوں کے لئے ہے، نا آپ کے وجود سے ملک اور قوم کے لئے کوئی خیر نکل سکتی ہے۔۔ اپنے اپنے لیڈروں کی محبت میں اندھے گونگے اور بہرے لوگ۔۔