Thursday 24 April 2014

Pak army must crush the Khawarij and the Jew media NOW. nation stand with Pak army and ISI.

InshAllah, we are counting days when the enemies of Pak Sarzameen will bite the bust fully !
 Two enemies of Pak Sarzameen must be crushed with full force. Both attack on different axis.
 TTP Khawarij attack on military axis.
 Geo/jang/The News group attack on media/propaganda axis.
 Both are lethal in this 4th generation war stabbing Pak army in the back when the Hindu Zionists are rising in the East. Pak army must crush the Khawarij and the Jew media NOW. nation stand with Pak army and ISI.
 Allahu Akabr -- Humiliation to the enemies of Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Medina e Sani