Tuesday 19 July 2016

Nation will come out in millions if Pak army stage a coup against Nawaz and Zardari.

Nawaz Shareef suffers from a delusion that if Pak army moves against him, people would come out on streets to defend him, just as they did in Turkey to defend Erdogan ! lolzzzz

The Moron does not know that Erdogan is loved, respected and even revered by his nation and his army. While in Pakistan, the nation and the armed forces hate Nawaz Shareef !

Erdogan has made Turkey into one of the greatest nation on earth.

Nawaz has turned Pakistan into a failing state... robbed it, have siphoned off billions in offshore accounts and auctioned the honor of the nation.

Nation will come out in millions if Pak army stage a coup against Nawaz and Zardari. Nation will join the army and then beat the hell out of these robber rascals....

Not even 5 stray dogs will come out to defend the democracy...
