Friday 7 December 2012

What Lal masjid khawarij did in Islamabad and the khawarij at Makkah Mukarrama did in 1979 created greatest of fitnah and fasad and their khrooj or rebellion against Pakistan was totally haram.


Ibn Al-Qayyim said,

نهيُ النبيِّ عن قتال الأمراء والخروج على الأئمة وإن ظلموا أو جاروا ما أقاموا الصلاة، سدًّا لذريعة الفسادِ العظيم والشرِّ الكثير بقتالهم كما هو الواقع، فإنّه حصل بسبب قتالهم والخروج عليهم أضعافُ أضعافِ ما هم عليه، والأمّة

بقايا تلك الشرور إلى الآن

"The Prophet forbidden taking arms against the rulers and revolting against them even if they were unjust as long as long as they established prayers. He said this in order to prevent great corruption and evil that could emanate from taking arms against them

What Lal masjid khawarij did in Islamabad and the khawarij at Makkah Mukarrama did in 1979 created greatest of fitnah and fasad and their khrooj or rebellion against Pakistan was totally haram.