Monday 16 June 2014

Pak army is the only Muslim army beating the hell out of Khawarij, again fulfilling the ahadees of Sayyadi on Khawarij.

Also, there is a school of thought led by Khawarij and unfortunately by Sh Imran Hussian as well which is hell bent on trying to prove that Pak army is not the army of Ghazwa e Hind !! We totally and forcefully reject this Khurafat and non-sense. Sheikh Imran Hussian has gone catastrophically wrong here, confusing himself and thousands others, serving the interpretation of Khawarij and serving the Hindu Mushriks ! We reject that totally.

Sh Imran Hussian has also gone catastrophically wrong on Capturing of Constantinople. For the last 500 years, Muslims had NO confusion about the event and the fulfilment of the Hadees. Now after 500 years, he has emerged creating this bidaat that Muslims have still not captured Constantinople according to the Hadees.!! Rubbish !

Pakistan is created by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Pakistan is the only army in the world which is in constant state of war with Hindu Mushriks for the last 68 years ! Pakistan is the only Islamic army which have fought against Israel also along with fighting the Hindu Mushriks. Pakistan is the only Islamic army with nuclear bombs gifted to lead the Ummah. Pak army is the only army taken as a threat by Hindu Mushriks, Israelis and US. Pak army is the only Muslim army beating the hell out of Khawarij, again fulfilling the ahadees of Sayyadi on Khawarij.

If anyone thinks that Pak army is not the army to lead Ghazwa e Hind, then he is either a nutcase, an insane moron, a kharji, a mushriks or a confused Mullah. We DO NOT accept their version and strongly resist this pro-Mushrik Khurafat.

It is related to Hazrat Abu Hurairah(R.A) that Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) talked about Hindustan(India) & said:

“Definitely, one of your troop would do a war with Hindustan, Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains / fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this great war). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria (Shaam)”.