Saturday 5 July 2014

Another Hadees on ISIS -- seems like ISIS will capture demascus and there will be lots of bloodshed...

Remember one thing -- From Curzon to Bush -- all have said catagorically that they will NEVER allow Khilafat to be re-created. So, why are they fully supporting a gang of Khawarij, which is declaring Khilafat, moving freely across deserts of iraq and Syria and NO US/NATO/Israeli plane bombing them???? In fact, providing them with weapons and money !! There is NO hullaballoo in western media that Khilafat has been created and they should be afraid if it ???? why ?? because, this is NOT a Khilafat, this is a hijacking of Khilafat by a Khawarij gang, in whose ranks Israeli army is fighting directly, rampaging across Muslim lands, looting and plundering Muslim wealth and raping Muslim women and attacking all Muslim countries from Iraq to Syria to Turkey to Saudi Arabia to create greater Israel !!!

ISIS is Khawarij plus Israeli army !! That is their reality....

There are few ahadees also about ISIS. One of them suggests that these snakes will capture Damascus finally and there will lots of slaughter after that...

حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن سعيد بن يزيد التنوخي عن الزهري قال ( تقبل الرايات السود من المشرق يقودهم رجال كالبخت المجللة أصحاب شعور أنسابهم القرى وأسماؤهم الكنى يفتتحون مدينة دمشق ترفع عنهم الرحمة ثلاث ساعات.) . كتاب الفتن- نعيم بن حماد المروزي\ باب بني العباس
البخت: الإِبل الخُراسانِيَّة
اصحاب شعور : وصف مجازي للرجال الاشداء كالاسود / او أصحاب علم او نداء
المناكب: أعلى الذراعين (تشبيه براس الاسد الذي لا تري رقبته)

مشرق سے کالی جهنڈیاں نمودار ہوں گئی انکو ایسے مرد لائے گئے جیسے مست خراسانی اؤنٹهہ بالوں والے انکی نسبت شهروں سے اور نام کنیت سے ہوں گئی دمشق فتح کر لیں گئے تین گهڑی تک رحم ان میں اٹهہ جائے گا.

Ya Allah Karam... Jews are running wild in Muslim lands... under the cover of ISIS....