Sunday 1 February 2015

The bloodshed we have upon is today is due to the silence of those who have the power to stop it and those who do not condemn it.

The bloodshed we have upon is today is due to the silence of those who have the power to stop it and those who do not condemn it. Hadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is the hujjat upon us all. Those who deny the Hadees e Mubaraka are Kafir o Zindeeq !

Khawarij belong to Deobandi maslak. It is the duty of the Deobandi Ulama to speak against them and stop them from slaughtering the Ummah. If the slaughter continues, then these men are responsible !! Know their faces and curse them if they still remain silent... Because Allah curse such people too...