Saturday 2 January 2016

Listen to this. YOU MUST !! We warned this nation years ago. The rascals, Mushriks, liberals, khawarij, geo were launched against me because of this war that we were waging against Hindu Zionists.

This is my english program done in 2009. Every word is comming out to be true about rise of Hindu Zionists, their false flags against Pakistan and their desire to create greater India ! Listen to this. YOU MUST !! We warned this nation years ago. The rascals, Mushriks, liberals, khawarij, geo were launched against me because of this war that we were waging against Hindu Zionists.

All those who want to remain deaf, dumb and blind can do so at their own peril but the patriots MUST listen to what this faqeer say. DO NOT argue for you know not what Allah has not told you.

Now listen to it and see what Modi is doing today.. we told you so...