Sunday 28 February 2016

Khawarij are now fully exposed and being destroyed by Pak army. We gave our azaan and now the entire Pak army listens to it.. Allahu Akbar.. !

He is shaheed Captain Umair, just hours before his Shahadat ! Listen to his words, his passion, his sincerity, his devotion to Pak Sarzmeen.. MashAllah !

The person taking his interview uses the term "Khwarij" for the TTP hell dogs. Alhamdolillah, now the entire nation knows that these dogs are Khawarij.. and Rasul Allah (sm) has given bisharat of Jannah to the army which destroys this fitnah.. ! Now our dearest Umair is with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) alhamdolillah..

Alhamdolillah, This is the greatest barakah of our azaan despite fierce resistance from the Khawarij and their pet so called Ulama. Khawarij are now fully exposed and being destroyed by Pak army. We gave our azaan and now the entire Pak army listens to it.. Allahu Akbar.. !