Wednesday 17 February 2016

Rest you understand better... !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon to the nation which considers this character as true Islam....

A short story:

Khawarij were burning the house of a Muslim. His children were being beheaded, his women were being raped, his body was tortured and then the Khawarij played football with his decapitated head. Just before he died, he called upon a group of "good" Muslims next door for help against these Zalims.

But the good Muslims next door replied - sorry brother, we will not help you, we are not in politics. But you will go in Jannah inshAllah !

Within those Muslims, there was a great scholar also, whose followers call him wali Allah..

Rest you understand better... !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon to the nation which considers this character as true Islam....