Wednesday 17 May 2017

What hurts me is that while all judges called him the godfather, then why 3 of them allowed this criminal to still control the State???

May Allah's curse be upon liars, upon the corrupt, upon the traitors, upon the beyghairats who have sold our Pak Sarzameen to the Kuffar and Mushriks....
SC judges have called him a godfather of crime and corruption.....but why the 3 judges allowed him to keep the powers and control the country ?? Innalillahe...
All those who have allowed this criminal to stay as PM & loot, rob and destroy the country has done great zulm with the millet and great khayanat with Rasul Allah (sm)... This Pak sarzameen is like a camel of Saleh (as)....whoever hurts it, is destroyed in Dunya and Akhira...does khiyanat with Rasul Allah (sm)...