Thursday 5 August 2021

Read the following thread which I wrote on August 9th 2019, four days after India annexed Kashmir.. Deeply painful tale of corruption betrayal and insanity.... After two years, every fear that was mentioned has materialised.. Read it again to to know what really happened..... 


What happened on Kashmir in the last few days demand some serious introspection from Pakistan.
The failure of Pak govt to see it coming, the response paralysis, the failed diplomacy & almost surrendering the established position of Pak on Kashmir as a fait accompli.

This Pakistan govt will go down in history as the biggest political, diplomatic & military failure in protecting Pakistan's core interest on Kashmir. This cannot be denied.
They never knew what hit them. They never saw the signs that a storm is coming & were caught off guard.

If I use very mild words, I would call the attitude of this Govt as criminal negligence...other possibilities are harsher.
How on earth Pak FO could miss the signs ?
They were surely flattered by the attention they received from Trump that they lowered their guards totally.

Having surprised by the Modi regime, Pakistan Govt was clearly in such shock that it suffered a stroke of paralysis. Complete inaction, confusion, disorientation & lack of any contingency planning was glaring.
Under pressure from screaming nation, insignificant steps were taken.

While Indians expected a very harsh response to this provocation, they were hugely surprised that Islamabad had seemingly surrendered against a heavy military posturing of the Indian army.
Instead of keeping India guessing, FM spelled it out too, so Indians could relax on CFL.

Diplomatic front was even a bigger embarrassment than the standoff on the CFL.
NO country, repeat, NO country came out to support Pakistan.
Turkey was the only strongest voice but brothers as they always are....have always helped even in dicey situations.
OIC, EU, China...None

When Islamabad gave away its weak political & diplomatic position too soon & adopted a defensive posture touching the borders of surrender, then obviously no other country would stick their neck out for Pakistan risking the anger of powerful allies of India like US & Israel.

Even today, there is complete paralysis in Islamabad. Hyper ventilating FO is trying to remain relevant but in real terms, making no impact at all. Global media has largely ignored Pakistan's narrative too.
Realistically, Pakistan's present posture amounts to surrender.

There are still many daring options open to Pakistan even if a military option is not considered.
Pakistan can annex AJK/GB & IOK & then launch a freedom struggle to recover what we do not have.
AJK can declare independence & form a Govt in exile with all territories in IOK.

While India has scrapped all UN, international, bilateral & internal treaties on Kashmir, Pakistan again remains frozen in history & time. Still undecided if the LoC is valid or vanished? still confused if UN resolutions exist or gone? Still thinking about the fate of Shimla ?

In a real world, where Modi is using a bulldozer to crush through every opposition to his grand plan of annexing Kashmir & moving towards Pakistani controlled Kashmir, Pakistan govt's only response is that they will retaliate if India crosses the LoC, now CFL.

Fact is that there is NO other option left to Pakistan except to threaten India with a war within the valley. A short brutal sharp engagement to send a decisive message that now all bets are off & Indian move of unilaterally annexing Kashmir will be resisted.

Only a brief sharp war would draw the world attention towards Indian atrocities in Kashmir, where millions are under a curfew even now, being butchered & kidnapped at will.
It is not about winning or capturing Srinagar. It is about honor & sending a message of hope to Kashmiris.

Even India cannot afford a war, even a short limited engagement within the valley. They are only calling a bluff relying more on international powers to hold Pakistan back.
The results of February encounter were too embarrassing for Modi Govt & they cannot afford a repeat.

It is a bitter truth that IK Govt has collapsed on Kashmir. if the present course is maintained, Kashmir will be lost forever. Kashmir resistance will be broken for good. PM IK himself is complaining of a genocide in the making & refugees pouring he is not ignorant.

All the excuses given by the PTI Govt so far are just hogwash to cover their criminal incompetence in seeing the crisis coming & then managing it afterwards. Total & complete Bull crap!
With such pol anarchy in the country & this level of leadership, the crisis has magnified.

India has played the greatest gamble in its history today. Even Modi is not sure if he can pull it off. They are waiting for the curfew to be lifted.
This is an opportunity which Pakistan must NEVER miss else its all over. Cost of Indian occupation must be raised by all means.

A war in Indian held Kashmir, massive street protests & a revived militant freedom movement is the only cocktail that will bring India to talks & will force the world to move & intervene. Nothing else.
If IK Govt cannot do this, they should honorably resign. Enuf damage done!!

Lastly, I will very strongly demand resignation of FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi......though he is the prime suspect himself in this dark sinister game, I will ask him to step down. If he has not betrayed intentionally, his criminal negligence demands that he must leave.