Saturday 7 February 2015

Dajjal will actually be from within the Khawarij !! Khawarij would be his soldiers, guards and fighters.

Dajjal will actually be from within the Khawarij !! Khawarij would be his soldiers, guards and fighters. Today, after hundreds of years, this fitnah has emerged again !! The signs of end times are coming to be true. In Pakistan, these Dajjali Khawarij are TTP supported by Deoband. In Syria, these Khawarij are ISIS backed by Salafis.

In history, Sultan Sallahuddin Ayubi had to face the Khawarij from Islamili Shias !

Sayyadna Ali (RA) had to face Khawarij who were first claimed to be his Shias and then became his enemies.

The point is that Khawarij is NOT a sect -- It is a mindset, a facist ideology whose signs have been given in over 100 ahadees Mubaraka. Anyone following those signs is a Khawarij, irrespective of his sect, maslak, region or language.

History is noting this that in Pakistan, Ulama e Deoband failed to speak up against Khawarij, except Mufti Rafi Usmani. All other Deobandis deserve most severe punishment -- TJ, Fazal, Samee, Mufti Naeem, Tahir Ashrafi... beyghairat beysharam...