Saturday 9 May 2015

Anyone who is against Pak army today or is silent and not defending Pak army in this Jihad against Khawarij, is a munafiq, kafir and Kharji.

Ghazwa e Hind is our destiny! Qasim, Ghaznavi, Ghauri and Abdali will join Pak army to destroy the myth of Mushrik India.

Anyone who is against Pak army today or is silent and not defending Pak army in this Jihad against Khawarij, is a munafiq, kafir and Kharji. Ghazwa e Hind will also eliminate such rascals within while we destroy the Mushriks, inshAllah !

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind! May Allah bless you Pak army ! This is your destiny, MashAllah !!