Thursday 18 June 2015

RAW, TTP, BLA, and all those snakes who think they can harm our Medina e Sani should think million times before even taking a single step against this Pak sarzameen.

We welcome this Ramadan Kareem, with humbleness and our love for Syyedi RasulAllah sm. Our mission remains the same and that is Takmeel e Pakistan inshaAllah! Those who stand the test of times and hold their ground rise victorious and triumphant over the evil around. All enemies of Pak Sar zameen would fall and be dealt with by Pak Army.

RAW, TTP, BLA, and all those snakes who think they can harm our Medina e Sani should think million times before even taking a single step against this Pak sarzameen. You will find each Pakistani standing in your way with unshakable resolve to die for the honour of this land, you can cut us into pieces but we wont let you harm an inch of this Medina e Sani Pakistan!