Monday 1 June 2015

Tonight is 15th Shaban, Shab e Bara'at in Medina ! And we will do Bud-Dua for the Kuffar, Khawarij and the Munafiqeen.

Tonight is 15th Shaban, Shab e Bara'at in Medina ! Destinies will be decided, fates will be written... We are in Medina... this is our moment to seek Allah's maghfirah and Rasul Allah's karam.

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has informed us that fate cannot be changed except through the power of Dua !! Tonight we will do dua for the believers. We will ask for khair for those live and die for the sake of Rasul Allah, in defense of Pak Sarzameen. We will do dua for Pak army, the mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind and Jihad against Khawari. We will ask for Khilafat e Rashida nizam in Pakistan. We will seek for Takeel e Pakistan, for victory in Ghazwa e Hind, for victory against Khawarij, enemies of Rasul Allah !!

And we will do Bud-Dua for the Kuffar, Khawarij and the Munafiqeen. Yes, we will do massive bud-dua on all enemies of Pakistan, all enemies of Ummat e Rasul (sm). These rascal political leaders, munafiq media anchors, ghaddar judges, khawarij Mullahs and their allies -- they will all be cursed tonight in Masjid e Nabwi as enemies of Rasul Allah (sm). we will seek their intense punishment in Dunya and Akhira inshAllah. All the snakes who have harmed Pakistan will be in serious trouble tonight. We will present their files in Darbar e Nabwi inshAllah !

InshAllah, great khair is coming.. stay strong ! Our time has begun !!