Saturday 30 January 2016

MTJ is behaving exactly like the former CJ !! Not hurting the Khawarij by staying silent and allowing the Khawarij to use the cover of Tableeghi Jamaat to attack Pakistan.

I have always strongly said that there are 2 types of Taliban. Good Taliban and Bad Taliban... ! Good Taliban are Afghan Taliban who DO NOT attack Pakistan. Bad Taliban are Khawarij who work for Mushriks and attack Pakistan.

Only an insane deaf, dumb and blind would say that I am against all Taliban. For the last 9 years, I am saying the same thing over and over again a million times.

Similarly, I have said this a million times in the last 9 years. There are 2 types of Deobandis. Good Deobandis and Bad deobandis. I am NOT against Good Deobandis who are speaking against Khawarij and who love Pakistan.

I am against Bad Deobandis who are supporting Khawarij, either through their silence or through direct support. Only an insane man would say that I am spreading sectarianism or I am attacking all Deobandis by asking the bad deobandis to stop supporting Khawarij.

Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us that you cannot talk to or negotiate with Khawarij. You must deal with them through sword. By seeing the reaction of Khawarij on this page, we can clearly see the truth in Hadees shareef of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). These hell dogs just do not understand any explanation or reason. Astaghfurullah ! Why is that all Takfiri Khawarij have come out harshly to defend MTJ ?? If MTJ preach peace and love, then why Khawarij love him ?????????

Remember TTP had once said that their best friend in Pakistan is Iftikhar chaudrey... because that snake CJ had always protected the Khawarij and never punished a single one.. ! MTJ is behaving exactly like the former CJ !! Not hurting the Khawarij by staying silent and allowing the Khawarij to use the cover of Tableeghi Jamaat to attack Pakistan.

I am a security and defense analyst. My concern is NOT your sect BUT the security of Pakistan. If your actions hurt Pakistan, I will awarn you first and then attack you to destroy you inshAllah ! All enemies of Pakistan have tasted the blade of our sword. We make NO distinction between a religious enemy like TTP or a secular enemy like BLA or MQM or ANP. So, if you want me to leave you alone, you stop hurting Paistan, else our blades will deal with you inshAllah ! Is this difficult to understand ??