Monday 15 February 2016

The silence of the Ulama to refute the Khawarij ideology and their mass slaughter of Ummah under Takfir is a crime greater than the crime of Khawarij itself....

The greatest threat to Islam today is from "Ulama" who have decided to remain silent when Khawarij are hijacking the deen of Rasul Allah (sm)..

Today, the entire Sunni Islam has been hijacked by gangs of terrorist Khawarij who are pretending to create the "Islamic State" with a "Khalifa" and rejecting ALL what Islam, Quran and Sunnah stands for...

Young militants claiming to be Mujtahids, Mufassir and Judges are passing fatwas under Daish and TTP controlled areas which are shameless violation of all schools of Sunni Islam -- creating the anarchy and fasad in the entire Ummah while the Mushriks and Zionists wage their own Crusades.

As you can see the top 5 leaders of ISIS are Osama Bin Laden and his gangs, NONE of then qualify to be Mujaddid, Mujtahid, Ulama or even ordinary Judges of true Sharia. May Allah protect the Ummah from their sick interpretation of Islam and Jihad and Khilafah..

This is the reason why it is critically important for true Islamic scholars to speak and reject the Khawarij interpretation of TTP and Daish.

The silence of the Ulama to refute the Khawarij ideology and their mass slaughter of Ummah under Takfir is a crime greater than the crime of Khawarij itself....

There is NO excuse for Islamic scholars to remain silent. Their silence means that you support the Khawarij and their slaughter of the Ummah of Rasul Allah (sm)...