Tuesday 1 March 2016

Know this well - my duty is NOT to gather fans or followers. My duty is to save from this fate which the people of Syria is facing now... ! It is your choice now... ! You can shoot the messenger and then wait for Allah's hukm...


This is the city of Homs in Syria. Sayyadna Khalid Ibn Waleed rests here. This is called 5th Generation War...Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon..

For the last 16 years, enemy is trying to turn Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Lahore into these ghost towns. Say Shukar a million times that Allah has given you Pak army and a small band of BrassTacks die hards who saw it coming and fought back in time..!

Only an Ihsaan faramosh, Mohsin Kush badnaseeb would deny this...

Our leaders, Ulama, media and thinkers were totally lost and ignorant and even now have NO clue on how to avoid this dreadful fate... !

This faqeer has a very difficult duty indeed. As Baba Iqbal had said " those who are my own and those who are strangers are all angry with me, because I could NEVER accept the poison they give to the nation and I could never pretend that it was sugar coated sweet" !!

Know this well - my duty is NOT to gather fans or followers. My duty is to save from this fate which the people of Syria is facing now... ! It is your choice now... ! You can shoot the messenger and then wait for Allah's hukm...

We report only to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), NOT to any power in this world. alhamdolillah..
