Sunday 31 July 2016

InshAllah, Sipah Salaar will finish the war before he leaves or if the war takes longer, he will stay to make sure he finishes it on OUR terms... politicians can rot in their filth..

All the Political rascals would burn their tails after watching videos like this.. the true love that this nation has for the Sipah Salar. This is not a paid crowd, this is not a siyasi tamasha.. this is how a nation behaves when it respects a leader..

The politicians have only robbed the nation bone dry... He has given it back from his sweat and blood. The political rascals can only dream of this respect which they will NEVER get from this nation..

InshAllah, Sipah Salaar will finish the war before he leaves or if the war takes longer, he will stay to make sure he finishes it on OUR terms... politicians can rot in their filth..