Saturday 2 July 2016

Secular Turkey is dead ! An Islamic Turkey is rising again! Azaan is again heard in Aya Sofia Masjid !! Allahu Akbar

MashAllah, another great news for Ummah on 27th of Ramazan !

Secular Turkey is dead... and an Islamic Turkey is rising again...

After nearly 90 years, Azaan is again given in Aya Sofia Masjid in Istanbol... Allahu Akbar !

May Allah bless Erdogan for this great khair...

Neo TV report is ill informed and misleading. Aya Sofia is NOT sacred to Jews. It was a Christian seat of political and military power only and became a Masjid after Constantinople became Islambol... in 1453 !

Now it will be a masjid again.. Allah willing.. !!