Sunday 18 September 2016

Bengalis betrayed the Ummah, slaughtered million Muslim Pakistanis, joined HIndus for a better life..& got this ...

Bengalis led by Mujeeb betrayed the Ummah, slaughtered a million Muslim Pakistanis, raped hundreds of thousands daughters, joined hands with Hindu Mushriks and became the enemy of Rasul Allah (sm). They wanted "freedom" for a better life...

Instead, Allah slapped them with zillet, ruswai, poverty, humiliation, disgusting insults, degradation of human life and values... This is the azaab Allah puts on a nation which betrays the Ummah of Rasul Allah... now watch this.. Bengalis should ask - were their crimes worth the azaab they are getting from Allah swt... ??

No dignity, no respect either in their own country or anywhere in the world... only humiliation..