Friday 23 December 2016

Even today, they plan the same fitnah... they are preparing for it BUT the same ghaddars in our politics, media and Deoband mullahs will never tell you this....

Where are those snakes, ghaddars, beyghairats now who have always blamed Pakistan army for 71 but have NEVER told you that India was involved in that conspiracy and Pakistan was divided because our main political parties had become RAW agents... exactly like we have today.....

For the last 9 years, Geo, Hamid Mir, Deobandi Kharjis, have been attacking me just because I was atatcking their god Hindu Mushriks and telling Pak nation that Hindus are planning to break Pakistan as they did in 71...

Every atatck on our mision to silence our azaan has come from Deoband, Geo, RAW and Liberal Beyghairat gangs... why is that ?? think about it....

Even today, they plan the same fitnah... they are preparing for it BUT the same ghaddars in our politics, media and Deoband mullahs will never tell you this....