Monday 3 November 2014

This is what we have learnt from our elders of Karbala. They are our family and when they died, they did not have Shias or sunnis with them to protect. They fought and died alone. We are ready too.

I want to share this mail from a Shia member and my reply. Pl read to know the context of todays's posts and the difficult duty that we have to do.

His mail:

"With the utmost respect, I want to raise some serious points regarding your recent post on "shias"
It is written on your facebook page that you are a security analyst who observers geographical and national situation and comments on it. I'm unable to establish any link in between your duty and the recent post that you have published on your wall. Please clarify this.

Secondly, I'm a shia muslim and I have been following you since 2007 when you used to do a program Brasstacks. I want to highlight a part of your recent post that you published yesterday (sunday) where you asked shias to realize the strategy of indians. I want to ask didn't you know that your (today's) post would give a chance to malicious elements on the both sides of the sects who would take every chance to instigate people and detoriate this fragile ShiaSunni unity as you can notice in the comment section. I seriously wasn't expecting such steps from you.

Lastly, talking islamically, as a shia, I agree and all the shias agree that the people of Kufa betrayed H.Hussain (a.s) but I'm still unable to understand why you have published that post where you're focusing and repeating the term 'Shian e ali' and potraying that shias are the reason for the martyrdom of H.Hussain. It also seems from your post that you are comapring today's shia with the people of Kufa and conveying the picture to the public that this mourning is just a show off and has nothing to do in reality. It is only me who is getting this perception but my brother and all my friends have perceived the same thing and I'm sure every shia muslim is finding this offensive.


My reply :


I have a difficult duty to perform – to unite two extreme schools of Muslims. I may resort to shock therapy to put them into their places but my stance is above sectarian. I am being hunted and chased and threatened for taking too pro-Iran, pro-Shia stance :-)

But I am being destroyed by Shias also who cannot accept my pro-Khilafat stand. Where do I go ? :))

We do our duty irrespective of consequences. This is what we have learnt from our elders of Karbala. They are our family and when they died, they did not have Shias or sunnis with them to protect. They fought and died alone. We are ready too.