Tuesday 20 January 2015

Mr. Tariq Jameel, You remain silent on TTP but are dare to say that Rauza Pak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah should be destroyed ??? Astaghfurullah !


So, Mr. Tariq Jameel, you can do Gustakhi e Rasul (sm) and insult the faith of billion Muslims and want to destroy the Gumbad e Khizra & Rauza Paak like Khawarij do in Pakistan, Syria and Iraq but you cannot call TTP as Khawarij ?? What "Islam" do you preach ?? We had warned you that we will attack all those Mullahs who will remain silent on Khawarij. You remain silent on TTP but are dare to say that Rauza Pak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah should be destroyed ??? Astaghfurullah !
