Tuesday 26 January 2016

Now Hindu Zionists say that they will "convert" 5 millions to Hinduism very soon ! That is why defending Pakistan is so critical from the attacks of Khawarij !


Thats why you need Jihad in times of war NOT tableegh ! Now Hindu Zionists say that they will "convert" 5 millions to Hinduism very soon ! Canyou stop this Zulm from Tableeghi Jamaat alone ??

No, you need a sword !! That is why defending Pakistan is so critical from the attacks of Khawarij ! If there is Pakistan, those Indian Muslims will remain Muslims else they will become Hindus soon ! This is the reality which idiots cannot see.

If Hindus want to make millions of Muslims into Hindus, they have to destroy Pakistan first. To do that, ajeet Kumar doval says, he is using Deobandi TTP Khawarij. That is why all Deobandi Ulama should defend Paistan NOW. If they stay silent, Muslims in India and Pakistan will be destroyed... Now you tell me, am I spreading sectarianism or defending Islam and Pakistan in India and Pakistan ?
