Friday 26 December 2014

My conversation with a Deobandi scholar. Now you be the judge how rational or mature they are.

my conversation with a Deobandi scholar. Now you be the judge how rational or mature they are.

Deobandi: Zaid sb, all Mujahideen are deobandis. Taliban are deobandis. Mullah Umer is the ameer of TTP and they are all deobandis. why are you speaking against Mujahideen ??

Me: Sahib, This is what I am saying. They are deobandis and TTP are also terrorists and khawarij, so Ulama e deoband must condemn TTP as Khawarij.

Deobandi: Zaid sb, dont call TTP as deobandis. Terrorists have no religion.

Me: You just said TTP & Afghan Taliban are deobandis. Then why shouldn't I call TTP Khawarij as deobandis ??

Deobandi: Zaid sb, you are spreading sectarianism......

Me: ufffff *bang my head on the wall* :)))

Now you tell me... Can you argue with this mentally retarded mindset ?? That is why Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has advised us to deal with them with sword.