Friday 23 January 2015

Entering into these alliances do not make Pakistan a Kafir state nor justify murder of its citizens by the Khawarij nor is a reason for Jihad against Pakistan.

Now another important point that you must understand to destroy the Khawarij narrative to justify their war against Pakistan.

Khawarij also say that they are waging a war against Pakistan because Pakistan is an ally with US !! This is pack of horse crap.

Interestingly, if this was the real reason, then Afghan Taliban should be waging a war against Pakistan but they are all still friendly with Pakistan ! Understand this fact that Muslim states can make defense and political alliance with any country -- Muslim or non Muslim. There is nothing wrong in this... even if the terms seem insulting or humiliating.. Let us explain.

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) signed an agreement with Mushrikeen of Makka, treaty of Hudaibia. Even handed over Muslim prisoners back to Mushrikeen after the agreement. Rasul Allah(sm) signed the treaty of Medina with Jews..

Pakistan has defense pacts, cooperation, alliances with US, Russia, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and almost all Muslim and many non-Muslim countries. Every country protects its own interests in these treaties. Entering into these alliances do not make Pakistan a Kafir state nor justify murder of its citizens by the Khawarij nor is a reason for Jihad against Pakistan.

Last week, General Raheel was in US, then in UK and now going to China. Before that he was in Saudi arabia too and in Kabul and in many other countries. Does that make Pakistan a Kafir state ?? Rubbish to say the least...

Now read .... and destroy the Khawarij propaganda on social media.