Friday 23 January 2015

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) praying JInaza of Peshawar children..

As received.  *Tears*



My younger sister .she is tweleve years old....she saw this dream  and she said..

"آج خواب میں دیکها ایک وسیع میدان هے اور اس میں جلدی جلدی صفیں بچهائی جا رہی هیں کہ نماز کی تیاری  هے.صفوں میں تمام عورتیں هیں..پهر ایک جانب سے سیدی رسول اللہ صل اللہ علیہ وسلم تشریف لاتے هیں.آپ صل اللہ علیہ و سلم نے سفید لباس پہنا هے سر مبارک پر سفید پر نور چادر هے اور نماز کی امامت فرماتے هیں..نماز میں بس تکبیریں پڑهتے هیں.رکوع اور سجده نهیں کرتےاور شام کا وقت اورخاموش ماحول هے


When my sister told us about the dream she started crying..
And said she was feeling so sad..

Now i must be namaz e janaza of these innocent children..the true asset of pakistan..and all the ladies in the jamaat must be thier mothers...

So blessed are these mashAllah that thier sacrifice for the ummah is accepted by Allah and syedi rasool Allah...

Mubarak to all parents of these children and thier sacrifice is so much great mashAllah for millat e islamia that syedi himself subhanAllah perfomed their namaz e janaza....

I consider it to be a imanat Allah has told us from his secrets ...would be glad if blessed mothers of these children knew their fortunate faith and of thier children...
You can share it with these blessed parents...
But please do not mention my name...

Salamat rahen..syedi...
Allah ki amaan..

With love and adab...