Saturday 3 June 2017

Trump visited SA, Israel & Vatican -- three centres of three start a religious war in ME..first charge woud be in Syria now..

We need to go back to the developments unfolding in Gulf & Saudi Arabia & Iran. Chaos there woud hugely impact entire South Asian region.
Trump's cursed visit has triggered volatile forces in the a total chaos is setting in the Gulf. Arab infighting begins also.
Saudi Arabia & UAE have litrally declared a Pol/Media war against Qatar. Al-Jazeera is blocked in SA/UAE/Egypt....
Qatar has formed defence ties with Iran. Iranians ships dock at Qatari ports. Qatar has refused to join Trump's Crusade against Tehran.
After Trump's visit, Bahrain launched a crackdown on Shia dissidents, killing 5 & arresting hundreds. More chaos...
Qatar is also supporting Ikhwan ul Musilmeen in Egypt, creating serious fricitons between Sisi Gvt & Doha. Qatar also claims Saudi regions..
Qatar considers itself a Gulf power independant of Saudi Arabia & in fact competing with SA for dominance, control & terretory in Arab world
Iran has strong ties with Qatar. Iran also has great influence in Oman, which is supporting Houthi rebels in Yemen along with Iran...hmmmm
Yemen is almost under Iran's influence now. Saudis & their allies do not control the Capital Sanaa. South SA is now directly threatened.
So, basically, in the Arabian Penensuala, only SA & UAE stand with Trump's anti-Iran doctrine. Bahrain is insignificant. Qatar has rebelled.
So, another axis of chaos added to the existing bonfire. Arab infighting in Gulf, adding to sectarian wars & battles against ISIS Khawarij.
There are about 9 million Pakistanis, Indians, BD's, other Asians working in Saudi Arabia & Gulf regions. Imagine the impact of chaos there.
Saudis are most vulnerable in this entire game. They have to rely on foreign troops to defend them. They cannot trust Egyptian army either..
Culturally & regionally, there is extreme dislike between Egyptians & Saudis. Both distrust each other, both want to be leaders of Arab world
Saudis are afraid of Iran. Distrust Egyptians. Hate Turks. Fear ISIS, loathe Qataris, while other Arab armies are non-existant. What a mess
As I said earlier, the Military allience trump & Saudis are trying to forge is already falling apart. That leaves Saudis dangerously exposed
Trump visited SA, Israel & Vatican -- three centres of three start a religious war in ME..first charge woud be in Syria now..
Pakistan is the only Muslim country which has good terms with all Muslim countries -- Saudis, Iranians, Egytians, Turks, Qataris, Yemenese..
Pakistan is the only Muslim country which has good terms with all Muslim countries -- Saudis, Iranians, Egytians, Turks, Qataris, Yemenese..
This is the ultimate tragedy of history that Pakistan does NOT have any leadership in these most dangerous times for Ummah & region...
NS is the ultimate humiliation for the Ummah & Pak Sarzameen. He will not just sink Pakistan but would drown the Ummah & region with it