Saturday 3 June 2017

Understand this...we are the F-16 of the Information Warfare to defend Pakistan. We are fighting on the front line. DO NOT expect us to be soft on those who are hurting Pakistan...

Many members here have complained that I am very harsh in replying to comments & that I am abusive & used Gaali & that I dont have manners to talk to people.... :)
Remember this....for most of you, this is a social media platform. For me & our team, this is a battle station to defend Pakistan and Ummah. Know this difference well.
There are over a million people on this page...thousands are those who are actually the enemies....Indians, RAW, Khawarij, CIA, MQM, political parties, sectarian terrorists, liberal beyghairats and paid social media trolls. thousands are here with fake IDs.
One of the tributes of a Momin told in Quran is that he is most soft, kind and benevolent towards other momineen and weak people BUT he is most brutally ruthless and harsh against enemies of the Ummah, enemies of Rasul Allah, traitors and Khawarij.
Iqbal Baba called it "in Halqa e Yaran, he is soft as silk. In fighting the battle of truth, he is hard as steel"..
99% of you dont know the difference between a simple member or an enemy troll who is here with a fake ID to confuse the mission. We know them and deal with them as enemies or idiots.
Also, I NEVER abuse. calling someone beysharam, beyghairat or ghaddar is NOT abuse but very pure decent Urdu words for people with no shame, no honor and no loyalty. These are NOT abuse words but qualities. What else should I call someone who eat haram rizq ?? In Urdu it is called Haram khor.... :)
Do you ask an f-16 to be kind on the enemy?? Do you ask a SSG commando to be decent with Indian snakes ?? do you ask our artillery guns to be decent with Indian guns ?? Only an insane person would make such a demand.
Understand this...we are the F-16 of the Information Warfare to defend Pakistan. We are fighting on the front line. DO NOT expect us to be soft on those who are hurting Pakistan...either the external enemies or the internal idiots.
Dont teach us manners please. first face the threats that we face, face the attacks we face, face the risks we face and then have the courage to advice us. Not before. If you are not part of our battle, you should have the shame to let us fight it alone. Dont create problems for us in the battlefield.
Hope you got it now.