Saturday 3 June 2017

This is the Saudi mentality. They will respect you only if you can threaten them properly have more wealth or Military or have blood bonds.

After the Trump/Kaaba painting experience, I am convinced that I should not discuss serious issues on this platform. Many people, not all, are dangerously stupid. Still, I am posting my tweets here on Iran and Saudi Arabia. For all serious listeners, I will ask them to join my Twitter page pl.


When I was in Saudi Jail, I saw one unique trait of Saudis. Even the threatening looking guards were afraid of aggressive inmates
This is the Saudi mentality. They will respect you only if you can threaten them properly, have more wealth or Military or have blood bonds.

That is why NS was humiliated this time. He cannot threaten Saudis, does not impress them with his wealth or Mil power & have NO blood bond.

Saudis, on the other hand, highly respect, admire & are afraid of Pak Military. They NEVER would go against or insult Pak army ever.
As a national psyche, Saudis are under confident people, afraid of power & authority, impressed by English & Western culture, lazy & greedy.

Thats why Americans always take them for a ride. Thats why Saudis always sub-contract their wars to others. Thast why easily blackmailed.
Saudis dont have a fighting army but a glorified police force only. Their Generals have not seen wars, their troops cant stand in sunshine.
So, what the crisis now for Saudis? They have declared a war on Iran & Shias. They are at war with ISIS. They have serious feuds with Qatar.
The young deputy crown prince is 30 years old & run the kingdom practically.He has opened too many dangerous fronts in Yemen, Syria & within
Obviously, while they open more war fronts, their own economy is crashing, hence the panic & unrest at home as well. Now US bill of $350bn..
What Saudis are not realizing is that Trump is only milking them before final slaughter. The fate of Saudi Kingdom has already been sealed..
This is not the era of the 70's when stability of the ME was the kingpin of US foreign policy. Now "birth pangs of a new ME" are shaking it.
My immediate concern is not the Saudis anymore. They are done. Its just a matter of time now. My concern is who will replace them in Hijaz..

There are multiple powers batting to control Hijaz 1. Iran.
3. Saudis.
4. Israel.
5. Qatar
6. Egypt wont mind a share.
7. Yemen
Remember this...the real prize in Arabian peninsula is NOT oil or their natural wealth. Its Hijaz. Whoever control Hijaz, control Muslims.
After the latest Summit in Riyadh, a very bloody period is about to begin in Muslim ME. Its next round will start in Syria & then all over..
Israel will benefit from a bloody sectarian war in the Muslim lands, where Mossad backed ISIS would continue to decimate whats left within.

So basically, without losing a single soldier, Israel will decimate the entire Muslim world in infighting, grab their wealth, depopulate it.

I must appreciate most brilliant strategy of Mossad exploiting the fault lines within very stupid Muslim leadership & through proxy gangs..

But a word of advice to took 2000 years to create you are not that smart after all.. You dont run this universe.

And now something on Iran also. Tehran is also on a path of self destruction. Too aggressive, too arrogant within larger Sunni world.

From Tehran to Baghdad to Damascus to Beirut to Sana, Iranians are pushing deeper into the heart of Sunni Arab world creating serious chaos.

Iranians represent the Shia minority in a very turbulent Sunni Muslim world, which is being decimated right now. Frictions are bound to rise

Iranian society has also deep fault lines & vulnerabilities within. They dont have youth, their population is old, they family system weak..
Iranian society is not strong within to take the pressures of another war like Iran-Iraq war of 80's. They lost entire generations in it.
Reality is neither the Saudis can afford a direct war nor the Iranians, yet their leadership is pushing for mutually assured destruction.