Wednesday 21 January 2015

If I find you against us, we will crush you. Your brothers have butchered this millat. We will now fight to the finish... By Allah, we will fight the Khawarij. Call me whatever you want..

To all followers of Deoband who call me a Kafir, Qadiani, mushrik .. :-)  I am sure you know the punishment for calling a Muslim a Kafir. I may be anyone, but the fact is that I have not killed 100,000 Muslims. Pak army is NOT fighting against my faith... The enemy is from your school.

I am in the media for the last 7 years. Have done 1500 programs, written many books, have given hundreds of lectures... Read my books on Iqbal, Halqa e Yaran, Khilafat e Rashida..

Have spent my life in Jihad against Soviets in Afghanistan when most of you were in your pampers... The real Jihad with real Afghan Mujahideen..

Show me one line, one word which I have said.. which is against Quran and Sunnah !
Show me one act which has harmed Pakistan?
Show me one financial or moral scandal ?

Now see my enemies : Mushriks, Khawarij, CIA, RAW, Mossad, BLA, MQM, Geo, SAFMA, Politicians, corrupt judiciary... all enemies of Islam, Rasul Allah (sm) and Pakistan are my enemies. what does that tell you ??

I fight for Khilafat e Rashida, Ghazwa e Hind, Jihad against Khawarij, United states of Islam, against Riba and Banks for a gold based economic system..

Then you come and call me a Kafir. Fight to destroy the mission. Do what Mushriks, Yahood o Hanood want to do and support the Khawarij and your Ulama who are afraid to call them as Khawarij.

It does NOT matter to me what you think of me. But it will surely matter to you if you try to destroy this mission which is defending the Ummah and Millat against all enemies in war.

I will fight for the mission we have. We will defend Pakistan against Mushriks and Khawarij. You take your sides. If you stand on the side of Mushriks or Khawarij, I will fight you too. No mercy..

You can stay silent or join us. If I find you against us, we will crush you. Your brothers have butchered this millat. We will now fight to the finish... By Allah, we will fight the Khawarij. Call me whatever you want..

Allah, Rasul Allah (sm), Malaika, Aulia, Momineen are enough for us, alhamdolillah !! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind ! Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah !!