Wednesday 21 January 2015

Khawarij belong to the party of Tableeghi Jamaat, Fazal, Samee and Mufti Naeem and what does these Mullahs do ??

For an alim, it is haram to stay silent in times of great confusions and fitnahs when Deen of Rasul Allah (sm) is threatened and exploited by the Khawarij. Imam Malik had his arms taken out, Imam Hanbal was beaten till death... but these great scholars NEVER stopped telling the truth in times of fitnah to save the Ummah from confusion. Khawarij are using Quran and sunnah's false interpretation to attack Ummat e Rasul (sm). They belong to the party of Tableeghi Jamaat, Fazal, Samee and Mufti Naeem and what does these Mullahs do ?? They decide to stay silent.... Deen can go to hell... !! Innalillahe Inna ilehe rajeoon.... Blood of Muslims is on their hands.. History and the angels are noting this down carefully..

You can abuse me as much as you want but that will NOT change the fact that these scholars betrayed the Ummah in these times..