Wednesday 21 January 2015

InshAllah, the real khidmat of deen is done by Pak army in defending this millat against Khawarij and Mushriks ! The bisharat of over 100 ahadees is for Pak army and NOT for these mullahs !

That is why Allah takes his duty from Mujahideen of Pak army and not from pro-Kharji Mullahs ! Pakistan was made by young students of Ali Garh, by Quaid, by Baba Iqbal... All were chosen soldiers of Rasul Allah(sm) !

The Mullahs of Deoband remaind Badnaseeb, supporting the Mushriks, Kuffar and Munafiqeen !! Astaghfurulah !

InshAllah, the real khidmat of deen is done by Pak army in defending this millat against Khawarij and Mushriks ! The bisharat of over 100 ahadees is for Pak army and NOT for these mullahs !

When we will be defeating the Khawarij & entering Delhi, these pro-Mushrik Deobandi Mullahs would still be shouting -- Kafir Kafir :))) Idiots :)))